Listen To What Makes This Successful Entrepreneur Smile..Stefan Weitz from Radial

Positive Phil show

Summary: Stefan Weitz from Radial Chats with Positive Phil. Radial is the leader in omnichannel commerce technology and operations, enabling brands and retailers to profitably exceed retail customer expectations. Help Encourage Positive Values By Clicking The Following Link Our Mission Is To Spread Positive Values and Inspiring Stories of Entrepreneurship. Please Support Our Positive Podcast. In return… We Will Give You and Your Company Visibility Through Podcast Sponsorship and Social Media Marketing. Radial’s technical, powerful omnichannel solutions connect supply and demand through efficient fulfillment and transportation options, intelligent fraud detection, payments, and tax systems, and personalized customer care services. Mentions: FreshBooks is offering a month of unrestricted use to all of our listeners ­ totally free right now.... and you don’t need a credit card for the trial. ● To claim your free month, go to and enter POSITIVE PHIL in the “How Did You Hear About Us?” section. Hundreds of retailers and brands confidently partner with Radial to simplify their post-click commerce and improve their customer experiences. Radial brings flexibility and scalability to their supply chains and optimizes how, when and where orders go from desire to delivery. Learn more at Prior to joining the Company, Stefan spent 17 years at Microsoft where he served in key engineering and strategic roles to help turn whitespace opportunities into viable business lines. He most recently was one of the founding members of the Bing search engine, helping to drive that product to 30% of search market share and billions in revenue. He began in eCommerce at Microsoft with the acquisition of eShop in 1997. We chat about the following: Tell me about yourself and your background. Who is Radial? 1.What does Radial do in simple terms? 2.Who are a few of Radial's customers? 3.What encouraged you to join Radial? What challenges do you face in your current role? 4.What is your current focus at Radial? 5.How does Radial help retailers? 6.How can retailers compete with big companies like Amazon? What is omnichannel? 7.What differentiates successful retailers from the ones who are struggling? 8.What sort of trends are you seeing in the retail industry 9.Where do you see the retail industry in 5 years or 10 years? 10.What excites you about the retail and commerce industry right now? 11.What makes you smile? Itunes Link: Subscribe: Stitcher Radio: Motivating Stories for Personal and Professional Growth. Real Stories /True Success Positive Phil is an American based podcaster. He started the Positive Phil Show in March 2009. Production of the Positive Phil Show, a showcase podcast for Positive Individuals and Companies.