Does God Give Everybody a Chance to Repent? (Call to Rest)

People of the Free Gift show

Summary: In this passage we encounter the clearest and greatest statements by Jesus in relation to salvation by grace alone through faith alone. Salvation, and the Christian life, is not about works that earn your way to heaven. It is about Jesus, and Jesus alone. <br> <br> We'll also explore questions like: 1) Does God give everybody a chance to repent? 2) Is hell the same experience for all unbelievers? 3) Why do some see the truth and others do not? <br> <br> This is part of a larger series called "The Gospels: Full of Grace and Truth." You can access all of our previous messages for FREE at <br> <br> If you enjoyed this message:<br> 1) Please subscribe to the podcast<br> 2) Write a review on itunes<br> 3) Share this podcast with others<br> <br> Thank you for your support.<br> <br> People of the Free Gift exists to ground believers in their identity in Christ and equip them to reach those caught in religion.<br> <br> "Freely you have received. Freely give." - Jesus<br>