The Mediterranean Dimension of the Refugee Crisis: Opening Remarks & Session I (New Regional Perspectives and Solutions to Address the Mediterranean Crisis)

Migration Policy Institute Podcasts show

Summary: <br> Record numbers of people are on the move throughout the<br> Mediterranean region in search of protection or opportunity, placing<br> considerable pressure on national asylum and migration systems and fueling<br> anxiety among publics about their governments’ ability to manage these flows.<br> This discussion, co-organized by the Migration Policy<br> Institute during September 2016 in New York, focuses on how governments and<br> actors in the Mediterranean region can work together to expand durable<br> solutions for refugees and coordinate efforts to build welcoming communities<br> for newcomers. <br> <br> <br> <br> Opening comments and welcome are followed by the first session that examines<br> how regional cooperation can complement international action to address the<br> refugee crisis in the Mediterranean. What factors are driving current flows of<br> refugees and migrants across the Mediterranean, and how have the routes they<br> are using to access protection and opportunity shifted? What roles are<br> different actors playing at the international, national, regional, and local<br> levels to help manage mixed flows across the Mediterranean, and expand<br> protection for those in need? How can policymakers in the Mediterranean better<br> share responsibility for providing protection and help countries on the<br> frontline manage these flows and meet refugees’ needs?<br> <br> <a href="">Download Standard Podcasts</a><br>