Alex Dafner: An internet petition and a letter against the forthcoming visit to Australia of Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu, Yiddish Report

Hebrew show

Summary: An internet petition and a letter against the forthcoming visit to Australia of Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu, which describes him as, a war criminal, and Israel as, an apartheid state, has been strongly condemned by Australian Jewish leaders and ... (An internet petition and a letter against the forthcoming visit to Australia of Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu, which describes him as, a war criminal, and Israel as, an apartheid state, has been strongly condemned by Australian Jewish leaders and spokesmen of leading organisations here. Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu spoke optimistically at the UN about Israels achievements in many fields including agriculture, water recycling, cyber tech, medicine and security intelligence and about the growing recognition by many more countries of Israel and its peaceful role in the M-E. Netanyahus words were echoed by visiting fellow Likud Party colleague and Israel Minister for Environment Protection Zeev Elkin, who met with the Australian Minister for Environment and Energy Josh Frydenberg and Foreign Minister Julie Bishop amongst others, and with whom he held discussions about deepening Israel - Australian cooperation in related fields and other issues)