The Saint (Starring Vincent Price) - A Murder Plot In Prison (11-19-50)

Boxcars711 Old Time Radio Pod show

Summary: A Murder Plot In Prison (Aired November 19, 1950) The format of the Vincent Price run of The Saint bears a bit of exposition. The signature theme of The Saint over Radio opened all of the Vincent Price canon and beyond. Any sponsor messages usually prefaced the signature whistle and opening theme. The Trim Hair Tonic-sponsored regional run of The Saint from CBS' KNX studios provided three sponsor messages: one at the open, one in the middle and one near the close. From that run forward, Vincent Price would customarily close the program with a personal message directed at one of several pet causes. Though it's not currently known if this was at Price's request or the producers', one can well imagine Vincent Price requesting the closing appeal. The formula continued through the Mutual rebroadcasts and the move to NBC in June of 1950. Vincent Price's closing comments were generally directed towards social issues of the era: race, ethnic and religious discrimination, tolerance and worthy causes of the era. Price at first tied his closing message to the theme of the preceding script. By the later scripts, Vincent Price simply closed with whatever social comment he felt most compelled to address. The comments were clearly heartfelt and sincere. Vincent Price's entire career was a tribute to any number of deeply felt causes and efforts to promote tolerance and unity throughout the world. In that light, Price's portrayals of The Saint must be taken at face value. Show Notes From The Digital Deli.