The Blue Beetle - Smashing The Drug Ring (2 Parts Complete) 05-15-40

Boxcars711 Old Time Radio Pod show

Summary: Smashing The Drug Ring (2 Parts Complete) Aired May 15, 1940 After his father was killed by a gangster's bullet, young Dan Garrett joined the New York Police Department, but soon tired of the slow pace and red tape of police work. With the help of his friend and mentor, pharmacist and drug-store proprietor Dr. Franz, Dan acquired a costume of bullet-proof chain-mail-like cellulose material, and began a second life, fighting crime as The Blue Beetle. His calling card was a small beetle-shaped marker that he left in conspicuous places to alert criminals to his presence, using their fear of his crime fighting reputation as a weapon against them. For this purpose he also used a "Beetle Signal" flashlight. The Blue Beetle's reputation was not his only weapon -- he carried a revolver in a blue holster on his belt, and was sometimes shown wearing a multi-pouched belt after the style set by Batman. TODAY'S SHOW: May 15, 1940. Program #1. Fox Features syndication. "Smashing Dope Ring". Commercials added locally. Trying to arrest a dope peddler selling marijuana cigarettes, Dan Garrett is machine-gunned and is near death. Dr. Franz slips him some secret 2X formula and he recovers instantly. He also gains abnormal strength and superhuman vitality. Frank Lovejoy, Paul Ford. 25:18. Episode Notes From The Radio Gold Index.