Wrestling Podcast! What!?! Marks and Smarks EP 1

Nintendo Fever show

Summary: That’s right in the debut episode of Marks &amp; Smarks Ben and Matt talk about all things Cruiserweight classic, find out what happened during the sweet 16 round and go over all the action and some of the best matches and highlights! Also talking about what happened during SummerSlam, were we okay with what Brock Lesnar did to Randy Orton  will we see any repercussions or maybe a Shane vs. Brock Lesnar match, also we talk about the best matches and what this could mean for the future. Find out on this upcoming episode of the very first Marks &amp; Smarks with Matt and Ben<br><br> For all the Diehard Nintendo fans we also have a small segment based around our favourite Nintendo wrestling video games we talk about GameCube we talk about Gameboy Advance and then we even try to talk about other things but the episode does run a bit long so please enjoy! and make sure to follow Matt @OnlyMattDesind make sure to follow been <a href="https://twitter.com/nukethebridge">@nukethebridge</a><br>  <br>