Front Porch Political Talk Episode 76: Scratching the Surface

Front Porch Political Talk show

Summary: While we didn't get through all of the articles we definitely did more than scratch the surface on those that were discussed. It was a good conversation with several points raised and even a bit of inside baseball talk regarding the GOP. Click Here to download the podcast, or listen using the Blubrry player (the blue ball on the right of the page). Also, please be sure to visit our sponsor! You can get a free 30 day trial at as well as a free audiobook by going to and signing up. We're recommending Freehold by Michael Z. Williamson as your free audio book with the trial. It's not kid friendly but a wonderful listen for adults! Follow us on Twitter @ECConservative to stay up-to-date with articles and check the website our our YouTube page for video comments when they're recorded. If you want to comment on something you can email, post comments on the website or on our Facebook page. Thanks for listening!