Does Health Matter?–The Interview That Almost Wasn’t

The Paranormal Patriot show

Summary: <br>    The podcast Gods have smiled on me this week.  When it seemed as if I would never be able to complete my scheduled interview with Andy, the planets aligned and it came to fruition.  <br>   The knowledge and insightfulness of my listeners never ceases to amaze me.  On this weeks show, I again interview Andy from Texas.  This time we talk about Hillary's health.  Is it only pneumonia?  Is there more to her sickness than is being told?  Should she step down to address her health issues?  Also, the biggest question, What happens if she can no longer run for President?  Andy will give his insights and thoughts regarding this issue that will not go away.<br>    To end the show, Tom will discuss the re-opening of the Clinton FBI probe.  Where does the corruption end?  Tom breaks down Congressman Chaffetz back and forth with a clueless FBI agent.  What becomes of this?  Where does it go from here?  Find out in this weeks episode!!!<br> Remember these important links:<br> Contact me;  <a href=""></a><br> Pledge your support:  <a href=""></a><br>