92: Live Law Phoenix - Borders

Life of the Law show

Summary: Each summer, people from all around the country gather for the <a href="https://www.opensocietyfoundations.org/grants/soros-justice-fellowships">Soros Justice Fellowship</a> Conference -- three days of meetings, conversations, and workshops by scholars, journalists, attorneys, and advocates working on projects that explore the criminal justice system in America.<br><br>This year six fellows, some new and some former, shared personal stories about their work and their lives. It was hosted by <a href="https://www.opensocietyfoundations.org/people/adam-culbreath">Adam Culbreath</a>, Program Officer of the Soros Justice Fellows Program. Here are their stories…  <br><br><strong>PRODUCTION NOTES<br></strong><br><em>Live Law Phoenix - Borders</em> was held at summer gathering of the Soros Justice Fellows. We’d like to thank Adam Culbreath, Program Officer of the Soros Justice Fellowship, for hosting and Christina Voight, Program Coordinator, for her co-production of the event. Jonathan Hirsch designed the sound. Our post-production editors are Kirsten Jusewicz Haidle and Rachael Cain. Howard Gelman was our engineer.<br><br>Music in this episode was from Martin Landh<br><br><br><br>