101期:思考·随风消逝的职业 – What will future jobs look like?

狗熊有话说 show

Summary: 随着科技的发展,在未来很多职业会出现,更多的职业会消失。你有没有对这个充满不确定性的时代,这个职业和工作充满变化的时代做好准备呢?这期节目咱们讲讲我们可以用什么秘技来应对“新机器时代”带来的工作上的挑战,狗熊和你分享三招,可能真的会有用! The machine age are becoming clear, old jobs will fade away, and new jobs will appear everyday. Do you get yourself prepared for the future jobs? In this episode, I’d like to share some of my opinions on how to face the challenge of the future career planning. Enjoy it! 相关链接: 网络文章:“未来将消失的职业” TED演讲:Andrew McAfee: What will future jobs look like?