104期:阅读·麻瓜眼中的魔法与冒险 – Magic and Adventure through Muggle’s Eyes

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Summary:   六年前读完《哈利波特》第一部时,我写下这段话 :“在灰色的现实打击和折磨着我们小小的、脆弱的理想时,想想还有一个戴着黑框眼镜,有一条闪电疤痕,一头乱发的男孩和他的小伙伴们可能正骑着扫帚,穿越黑色的夜空,你可以微微一笑,悄悄地将理想的火花藏到自己心的深处,不让它熄灭。”我在阅读哈利波特系列的时候,正是自己从进入社会打拼的初年,小巫师碰到的选择、困难与成长,也是我在真实生活中碰到的同样问题。虽然距离阅读哈利波特的时间已经过去了6年,但哪怕现在,小说中的人物和情节依然历历在目。今天这期节目,我想和你分享我在2008年时阅读完这部系列小说之后的一些感受,其实,我是想和现在的自己分享一下这些六年前的感受。 6 years ago, after finished reading Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, I wrote, “ When the grey and dark reality strikes your fragile hope, you can still see a boy wearing black glasses, with a lightening-shape scar on his forehead, he is riding on a bloomstick, flying over the dark sky, then you can smile and hide your fragile dream into the deep space of your heart.” I grown up with this little wizard, his problems in the wizard world are just the same as my problems in the muggle world. I’d like to share some feelings about the Harry Potter series with you, actually, I’d like to share some feelings about the Harry Potter series with myself. 相关链接: 哈利波特