105期:旅行·沙美岛象岛印象 – The Impression of Samed and Koh Chang Island

狗熊有话说 show

Summary: 在以前的节目里,我分享过前往清迈、曼谷旅行的经历,而今天这期节目,咱们继续聊聊泰国,只是我们这次的行程,不再是有着浓厚素可泰历史底韵的清迈地区,而是泰国另外那一块最吸引人的地方:阳光、海滩、美女、美食、美景和善良的人们。今天这期节目,咱们聊聊我刚刚结束的一趟沙美岛、象岛的印象之旅。 I’ve shared my travel stories in Chiangmai and Bangkok in the past episodes, today I wanna talk about Thailand again. This time, I will not talk the stories of the Kingdom of Sukhothai, I will talk the other side of Thailand: sunshine, beach, belles, foods, landscapes and kind-hearted people. Today, I wanna share my impression of Samed island and Koh Chang island.