106期:旅行·新西兰在路上(1) – On the road of New Zealand Vol.1

狗熊有话说 show

Summary: 制作这期节目的我,和大部分正在收听这期节目的朋友们并不在一个时区。我目前还在地球上最早迎接阳光的地方,一个人口只有440万的岛国,新西兰。自从13年前看完《魔戒:护戒之旅》之后,我就暗自将新西兰作为我将来想要前往旅行的地方放到心里。这个漫长的旅行计划,终于在13年后的今年成真。我这次来到新西兰,一共会呆上20多天,会尽量多地去体会一下这个有着精灵般的文化和无与伦比的自然环境的地方。这是这一系列节目的第一期,以日记的方式和你分享我到新西兰第一周的所见所感。 While recording this episode, I’ve been in a different time zone with you. Now I’m the country that meets sunrise first every morning. I’m in an island country which has only 4.5 million population, I’m in New Zealand now. 13 years ago when I watched the movie: Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, I decided to go to this place for a travel. Today, my dream becomes true. I’ll produce a series of episodes to tell the experience and stories in New Zealand, this is the first episode. 旅行关键词 奥克兰 – Auckland 基督城 – Christchurch Lake Tekapo 库克山国家公园 – Mt Cook