107期:旅行·新西兰在路上(2) – On the Road of New Zealand Vol.2

狗熊有话说 show

Summary: 咱们继续聊新西兰的旅行故事,这次一开始,狗熊就会和你讲讲他去蹦极被吓得要屎的经历,在苏格兰风格的城市但尼丁逛书店,在海滨小镇奥马鲁游览超酷的蒸汽朋克博物馆,这一次的旅行故事,和上一周相比,又是另外一种感觉啦!另外我们在但尼丁住进了一间著名的鬼屋客栈,还好没见到什么“好兄弟”,不过,我其实也不太确定…… Let’s continue our New Zealand traveling stories in this episode. I’ll tell you how I was freaked out by a real bungy jump experience. Then I’ll share the feeling of wandering in the book stores of Dunedin, visiting the Steampunk HQ in Oamaru. In this week, something is new for me! PS. We spent a few nights in a famous haunted hustle in Dunedin, luckily that I didn’t see anything strange, I think… * 旅行关键词 * Bungy in Queenstown * Dunedin * Oamaru