115期:对话·Alvaro的浓缩设计观 – What is design in Alvaro’s eyes

狗熊有话说 show

Summary: 苹果的设计并不是一直都是自己包办,他们最为成功的一个产品,Apple II型电脑就是由第三方团队青蛙设计公司设计的,而目前青蛙设计也是国际一流设计公司的代表。这期节目大狗熊请到了青蛙设计公司上海分公司的创意总监Alvaro Marquez先生,来一起聊一聊设计、工作和交互的未来,时间虽然很短,但却绝对都是精华,就像是一杯香浓的espresso咖啡一样。其实就冲本期节目张力十足的封面,你又怎么能错过呢? Apple is not always make all of their product design by itself. One of the best selling product, Apple II, was designed by another professional team, frog DESIGN, which represent the best design team of the world. In this episode, I was honoured to talk with Alvaro Marquez, the Creative Director of Shanghai frog, to talk something about design, job and the future of interaction. The chatting time is short and great, just like a good cup of espresso. You can’t miss an episode with such a cool cover, right? [Alvaro Marquez’s LinkedIn page](cn.linkedin.com/in/mrmarquez)