116期:科技·手表的过去与未来 – The past and future of watch

狗熊有话说 show

Summary:   2014年9月9日,苹果在秋季发布会上发布了全新的产品线Apple WATCH,这是一场让我又一次看到了未来的发布会。我很高兴在成为科技巨头的同时,苹果的产品依然没有改变其初衷:用科技让人更好地生活。作为计时器的传统手表是工业时代机械生产的辉煌,而Apple WATCH则是代表着信息化的app时代,代表着你和我的未来。 本期节目首次有同步视频放出,在优酷、Youtube和《狗熊有话说》视频版播客中均可收看,谢谢! Sep, 9th, 2014, Apple Inc. published the whole new product line of Apple WATCH, I enjoyed the keynote and I can see the future though it. I also found that Apple haven’t lost its beginner’s mind when it becomes a huge company: use technology to make people’s life be better. Traditional watches are the glory of the Age of Industry, Apple WATCH represents the Age of Information, the time of apps, and the future of you and me. There’s the video for this episode on Youku.com and Youtube, feel free to watch it and give me some comments, thank you!