120期:学习·我们班有10000个同学 – I got 10000 classmates on my class

狗熊有话说 show

Summary:   MOOC,“大规模开放式在线课程”,这个在2011年才兴起的网络教育形式有着一个很geek的名字,却有可能影响我们从孔子时代就定形了的教育模式。既然要聊,就要聊点实在的,大狗熊亲身参加了一门MOOC课程,并且拿到了认证证书,这期节目的标题,也是有据可查的真实体验,来吧,让咱们来聊聊实战MOOC的故事。 MOOC, the Massive Open Online Course, which may change our life of study in the future, and the traditional way continues for thousands of years, it is the time for changing. How can I talk some practical thing without practise it? So I participated a MOOC course and got the certification of it. So, let’s talk MOOC in this episode. Chris Anderson的TED演讲:How web video powers global innovation, July 2010 Salman Khan的TED演讲:Let’s use video to reinvent education, March 2011 Daphne Koller at TED, What we’re learning from online education, June 2012