121期:岁念·啰嗦是憋不住的 – Will anyone listen to me if I talk forever?

狗熊有话说 show

Summary:   就像BBS需要有个水区一样,播客也需要有个可以啰嗦一下互动一下的地方,所以我们有了新标签:岁念。“岁”是关于我的生活的啰嗦,“念”是关于你反馈内容的啰嗦,这样有硬核内容的节目可以更精练,而大狗熊被憋了好长时间的啰嗦意愿也不会爆炸。所以这期节目没啥具体的知识或经验,你还不赶紧入? So, the english introduction for this episode is really hard to write, I just want to talk some feedbacks for your replys and messages, and talk some thing happen in my life these days, not big things, just some tiny stuff. So it is just another accidental blabla episode, maybe you gonna like it!