122期:影剧·我的时光你的西游 – Your west journey stayed in my time

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Summary: 在影院里重温《大话西游》的几个小时,过去和现在交织在一起,让我分不清我是因为什么而感动,因为什么而流泪。我在黑暗中的电影院里看着这部20年前的电影,当年在KTV唱着“Only You”的场景、被牛魔王一样的老板骂得像条狗的场景、在大学宿舍里点着蜡烛一边流泪一边读《悟空传》的场景不停地闪回,就像是哈利波特在看着厄里斯魔镜,镜中全是自己的生活。这期专门制作的关于《大话西游》的节目,是我把自己的时光存放在这部电影里的代价。这是你们的Journey to the west,这是我和我自己的时光,怎能忘记西游。 I tried to keep calm in the cinema when I watched Stephen Chow’s movie, A Chinese Odyssey, but I failed. It has been 20 years, my memory and movie’s stories combined together, I can’t tell which part touched me and made me cry. It was as Harry Potter watched the Mirror of Erised, he could see his whole life in it. I made this episode as a gift for myself, for your journey to the west and my own private memory of the old days.