The Thirsty Developer 25: The one with Joe Stagner

The Thirsty Developer - Podcast show

Summary: In this show, we talk with Joe Stagner, who is Microsoft's Opinionated Misfit Geek and a program manager in the developer division community team.  We caught up with Joe at the PHP|Tek 2008 conference in Chicago, IL Show Notes During the show we talked about a number of the open source initiatives at Microsoft, including: CodePlex - an open source hosting platform by Microsoft Port 25 - a communication portal ASP.NET MVC Framework - a project under development Zune Contest Winner We are please to announce the winner of our second Zune contest.  Michael Wood of Kentucky is our lucky winner.  Michael is one of the founders of the Cincinnati .NET User Group.  Enjoy your Zune! Download / Listen to the Show Blogs you should know Larry's pick: Dave's pick: Rob Conery's Weke Road Ways to connect with Dave and Larry: Dave's Blog, Twitter Feed, Facebook Profile Larry's Blog, Twitter Feed, Facebook Profile