Infendo Radio 125 enjoys a DSi Folk Disaster

Infendo Radio | Nintendo Podcast show

Summary: Back from Halloween Vacation and ready to podcast your ears to mush, Infendo Radio is on the air!  This week Kyle and I blather on about such stuff as Animal Crossing City Folk, the DSi selling out in Japan, downloading Another Day To Die on Guitar Hero World Tour, the Wii outselling the N64, Reggie's feelings about Disaster Day Of Crisis, and New Game Get.  Plus, we announce the winner of Will's Naruto contest and I spend an hour with new DS game Time Hollow.<br> <br> Also big news on this podcast:  We're giving away Wii Music!  Tune in to the podcast to find out how to win a copy from Infendo Radio!<br> <br> Radio Feed<br> iTunes Feed<br> MP3<br> <br> Be sure to leave some comments or give us a call on the Infendo Radio Hotline: 206-338-BIGN (206-338-2446).