FA022 - How A Passion For Macs Turned Into A Full Time Online Income: An Interview with Don McAllister from ScreencastsOnline.com

The Foolish Adventure Show | Internet Business Radio show

Summary: <p>Learn From The Same Mentor Who Taught Me How To Turn My Hobby Podcast Into A Real Internet Business</p> <p>I’ve said on the show several times that I almost quit IzzyVideo if it hadn’t been for one man I met at the New Media Expo several years ago.   I was so happy when that mentor agreed to be on the show and share his lessons learned in running a business online, specifically a video podcast.</p> <p>I learned the basics of my business model from Don McAllister, the host of ScreencastsOnline.  The things he showed me had an enormous impact on me and my life.  And frankly, his willingness to share with me is one of the reasons I want to share what I’ve learned with you.</p> <p>His story is inspiring and packed full of great lessons.  Enjoy!</p>