FA025 - Nuts and Bolts of Making a Digital Information Product

The Foolish Adventure Show | Internet Business Radio show

Summary: <p>How To Actually Make Your Digital Infomation Product Part 1</p> <p>We’ve been asked several times to talk about how to make an info product and turns out we had a lot to say.</p> <p>This episode focuses heavily on making an ebook, but the concepts we cover can be used for any info product.</p> <p>Note From Tim: We didn’t talk about using specific tools for ebook creation, though.  When I’m making a PDF, I use cutePDF to turn doc files into PDF.  It is free and wholly inadequate for doing high quality ebooks.  The people I hire from eLance.com typically use inDesign to layout and design the ebook and then Adobe Acrobat to turn it into a PDF.</p> <p>Enjoy the show!</p>