FA076 - Are You Making A Product Line Or Living In Product Hell

The Foolish Adventure Show | Internet Business Radio show

Summary: <h4>DO YOU EVER FEEL AN OVERWHELMING NEED TO MAKE ANOTHER PRODUCT?</h4> <p>Lain wanted to know what I thought she should do with her business since she felt she needed to make more products.</p> <p>Advice that I had given her in the past was to focus on selling what she already had to a bigger market. Her question was, “But how do I do it?”</p> <p>That what this episode is answers. It covers the problem of too many products (Product Hell) compared to building a product ladder (Product Line) with the right mix of products that can appeal to bigger markets — even if you start out in a tiny niche.</p> <p>There’s also a topic inside that I don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone talk about when segmenting your prospects. I think I just <em>might</em> have come up with an original thought.