FA081 - Creating Awesome Website Graphics With Liz Ness

The Foolish Adventure Show | Internet Business Radio show

Summary: <h4>HOW A TECHIE/PHOTOGRAPHER/DESIGNER MAKES WEBSITE GRAPHICS THAT ROCK</h4> <p>In this episode I chat with Liz Ness of <a href="http://www.liznessstudio.com/" target="_blank">LizNessStudio.com</a> about WHY (even if you’re not a designer and never plan to be) you need to be able to make your own website graphics.</p> <p>This conversation touches on principles and purposes of web design and how graphics make a huge difference in the way a website visitor perceives your online business. We also talk about design software and what you should use and why.</p> <p>Also, we talk about the Foolish Guide to Creating Website Graphics which we’ll be releasing for sale on Tuesday January 10th.</p> <p>This is a great training program for those who don’t know how to make web graphics, but want to have the basic skills need to quickly crank out their ideas.</p> <p>Enjoy your Foolish Adventure,</p> <p>Tim</p> <p> </p> <p>Join The Forge: A Group Of Entrepreneurs Creating A Life While Building A Business<br> <a title="http://bit.ly/entertheforge" href="https://exit.sc/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fbit.ly%2Fentertheforge" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">bit.ly/entertheforge</a></p> <p>New Training: How To Scale Your Business<br> If you want to get in-depth training on operating and scaling your business check out The Bootcamp: <a title="http://TimConley.co/bootcamp/" href="https://exit.sc/?url=http%3A%2F%2FTimConley.co%2Fbootcamp%2F" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">TimConley.co/bootcamp/</a></p>