FA123 - 3 Stages To Managing A Powerful, Virtual Team With James Schramko

The Foolish Adventure Show | Internet Business Radio show

Summary: <h4>LEARN TO HIRE, TRAIN AND MANAGE EMPLOYEES ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD</h4> <p>Guest co-host, <a href="http://superfastbusiness.com/" target="_blank">James Schramko</a>, shares how he manages a remote team of 80+ people to double his business (with a stated goal to hit $10 million in annual sales). During this discussion James pinpoints the key areas as to when you should first hire someone, what kind of person to hire and how to turn each hire into a successful team.</p> <p>You’ll learn what simple tools you need to manage your team. You don’t need fancy project management software. Everything you need is available for free and you’re probably already using them.</p> <p>Also covered in this episode is “Single Point of Failure,” “The Three Ts,” and how to develop a company culture.</p> <p>This is a jam-packed show. </p> <p>Enjoy your Foolish Management,</p> <p>Tim “Soft Eyes” Conley</p> <p> </p> <p>Join The Forge: A Group Of Entrepreneurs Creating A Life While Building A Business<br> <a title="http://bit.ly/entertheforge" href="https://exit.sc/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fbit.ly%2Fentertheforge" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">bit.ly/entertheforge</a></p> <p>New Training: How To Scale Your Business<br> If you want to get in-depth training on operating and scaling your business check out The Bootcamp: <a title="http://TimConley.co/bootcamp/" href="https://exit.sc/?url=http%3A%2F%2FTimConley.co%2Fbootcamp%2F" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">TimConley.co/bootcamp/</a></p>