FLOSS Weekly 399: Open Hardware Projects

FLOSS Weekly (Audio) show

Summary: <p>Today Aaron Newcomb, Guillermo Amaral, and Jonathan Bennett talk about open hardware, their favorite projects, and the best boards for your needs.</p> <p><strong>Hosts:</strong> <a href="https://twit.tv/people/aaron-newcomb">Aaron Newcomb</a>, <a href="http://twitter.com/gamaral">Guillermo Amaral</a>, and <a href="https://twitter.com/jp_bennett">Jonathan Bennett</a></p> <p>Download or subscribe to this show at <a href="https://twit.tv/shows/floss-weekly">https://twit.tv/shows/floss-weekly</a></p><p><a href="http://bit.ly/flossweeklyguests" target="_blank">Here's what's coming up for FLOSS in the future</a>.</p><p>Think your open source project should be on FLOSS Weekly? Email Randal at <a href="mailto:merlyn@stonehenge.com">merlyn@stonehenge.com</a></p><p>Thanks to <a href="https://www.cachefly.com/" target="_blank">CacheFly</a> for providing the bandwidth for this podcast and <a href="http://lullabot.com/" target="_blank">Lullabot's</a> Jeff Robbins, web designer and musician, for our theme music.</p>