Family Values with Kristin Michelle "Time Waits for No One"

Life Coach Chat Channel show

Summary: Summer is winding down. Back to school season is here. This ususally means back to soccer practice and ballet practice and basketball games and PTA meetings, and homework schedules and stricter bedtimes and earlier mornings and....UGH!! So much to do and so little time, right? The hustle and bustle over the next 10 months can seem overwhelming, yet it makes up the bulk of our year after year after year. So many people struggle with managing their time and taking care of everything that matters in the course of a day or week. Well, this show is going to deal with all of that and more! Join me as I talk with Russ Terry, Founder and CEO of LifeCoach Radio Networks, Life Coach and Time Managment Genius! He will share how he prioritizes his life and maximizes his day (and trust me, he does ALOT in a day). If you've ever wanted to feel more productive at the end of your day, mark your calendar, grab a pen and notepad and join in on the conversation!!