Podcast 110 The Power of the V

Celtic Fansite - LostBhoys podcast - Glasgow Celtic  show

Summary: The Power of the V Podcast 110 In this week’s podcast the Three Amigos finally get back together again for their first little chin wag of the new season. Apart from just “catching up” and talking nonsense, the lads look at the goalie situation, talk a wee bit about the pre season friendlies, the rather large squad we have at the moment and the Hibs game. Jamie upsets everyone and even Evander Sno gets a mention……. The new game gets its first outing and Gary is back with the quiz. Download mp3 from below http://feeds.feedburner.com/Celtic_Lostbhoys_Podcast?format=xml or Subscribe through iTunes – below http://itunes.apple.com/gb/podcast/celtic-fansite-lostbhoys-podcast/id356709463