lotsl show

Summary: Summer and shopping is on the mind of The Shit-Listers!  Brenda talks about the swimming pool culture of her yute!  Toppie describes summers of family fun in the Smellie swimming pool!  Plus, Fey talks about the joys and sorrows of swimming pool ownership! Then, a discussion about the fate of department stores. A brief history of Sears! Remembering Dime Stores! Drooling in the toy isle! Remembering Woolworths!  VOLUME! VOLUME! VOLUME!  Our food shopping habits! What do we hoard? Dr Stone is a throw it out enthusiast! The secret things we treasured as youths. The Fey Driver guest stars! Call us at 949-41-LOTSL (949-415-6875) Write us at Lifeontheshitlist@gmail.com