MacBites - Episode 0105

MacBites show

Summary: In this episode, mismatched orifices, entertaining eateries and tears before bedtime BackBites - Dropbox Productivity Updates ChatBites - Evernote’s Current Pricing - Phil Libin Interview 2014 - Evernote 2015 Price Increases - Exporting Evernote Notes to an ENEX File - Exporting Evernote Notes with Attachments - Microsoft OneNote Importer - DropCopy - DropCopy Pro - Dropzone 3 - Dropzone 3 - Mac App Store - Bartender - Alfred - BusyCal for iOS - BusyCal for Mac - iPad Pro Advert - What’s a Computer - Elaine’s Tweet Rant with Staples App Review: Microsoft Flow - Microsoft Flow Website - Microsoft Flow on iOS - IFTTT - DayOne - IFTTT - Todoist - IFTTT - Google Contacts - IFTTT - Android Photos Channel App Review: Scrivener for iOS - Scrivener for iOS - Literature and Latte - Scrivener for iOS Syncing - Markdown Keyboard - Recording of Elaine’s Scrivener for iOS Live Session Focus: Personal Cloud: Google Drive - Google Drive - Docs Portal - Sheets Portal - Slides Portal BiteBack - Goombay Dance Band at Number 1 … Way Back When - iTunes Vouchers as Criminal Currency - McDonald’s Entertainment of an Adult Nature!