Teshanne Phillip Encourages Young Ladies to Reposition Themselves

In the Author's Corner with Etienne show

Summary: Tonight's show's reschduled for next week; in the meanwhile, enjoy the steelpan music. Ms Teshanne Phillip's book, Elevate, challenges readers to self-reflect. According to Ms Phillip, "In order for you to transform into winners, you must defeat your internal struggles. This book is an instructional guide on how to overcome and conquer some of the adversities that have kept you hostage. I invite you to take this excursion with me as I share some of my personal struggles and triumphs and how God has elevated me from being a victim to a victor." A motivational speaker, Ms Phillip adds, "This is your time! Your time to break free of the bondage. Your time to position yourself so you could reach your full potential. Your time to win!" Ms Phillip served in the Education Industry for over 10 years before expanding her enterprise as a mentor, author, & entrepreneur. God has qualified her to change the lives of women & teens via mentorship & by sharing her journey of struggle, triumph, & victory. Ms Phillip came to recognize her purpose: to celebrate & motivate everyday women to reach their full potential. A single mother from St. John, US Virgin Islands, Ms Phillip earned her Bachelor in Hospitality Management from Johnson & Wales University & her Master in Business Admin. from Kaplan University. She learned to juggle the responsibilities of being a mother & role model, with that of being a career woman & fulltime student.  Additionally, Ms Phillip leads a mentorship program at a Foster Home in South Florida & strives to impact the lives of these children & young adults by being an inspiration, & living what she preaches: faithfulness, self-respect & self-love.