Alan Woods, Teen King of the Kindle Generation

In the Author's Corner with Etienne show

Summary: Alan Woods is a young author, who focuses on providing his readers with high quality content. His debut informational eBook, Easy Money Making Guide For Teens & Young Adults, was ranked #1 on the Amazon Kindle platform in several different categories.  Adept in many subjects, Alan strives on a regular basis to continue to provide readers with informational reads, while still managing to keep them interesting and simple to understand. Alan offered the following on his Facebook page, "As a relatively experienced author, I feel as though I’ve picked up quite a few important lessons and concepts that those who are less experienced might not have realized quite yet. So below I’ve listed a few important things that authors should definitely focus upon, especially if they’re ready to grow their business." Alan: "A few of these tips are rather obvious, yet many authors still fail to realize how important they truly are. If you find anything that you already know, then congratulations to you! No need to tell me though - just put the information into action. Knowing something and actually doing it are two ENTIRELY different things." "Also, if you found this to be helpful, feel free to click on the link below to receive some more great tips delivered straight to your email once or twice weekly."   Visit Alan at: