Nanette Marie, Playwright, Narrator, Director, and More

In the Author's Corner with Etienne show

Summary: Nanette Marie, the 7th of 9 children, playwright, narrator, director, and author among other titles, is passionate about the works the Creator allows to flow through her. “Words have always intrigued me. While growing up, I enjoyed playing Scrabble for hours. It nourished my love for words, and I especially cherished playing with my mother. Scrabble also helped build my vocabulary, which ultimately prepared me to become a playwright and writer. I still very much enjoy playing this game.” ~ Nanette Marie Mamas' Drama is inspired by her story, and has been a means for healing from the "mama's baby, daddy's maybe" condition for her and others. Taking artistic license, Mamas’ Drama is classified as a traditional play and historic fiction book. It focuses on the females’ choices relative to secrets and lies about the biological father(s) of their child(ren) for 4 generations.  With Mamas’ Drama debuting in 2011, both Mamas' Drama and Suzette’s Saga, have been juried and performed nationally at theatre festivals since 2012. She’s grateful that her book version of Mamas' Drama is another instrument for healing. Also a poet, she wrote and recorded a lullaby for a children's book prior to becoming a playwright and author. Directing, producing, and coaching are other aspects of theatre in which she is involved.  Visit Nanette at: