Coffee Shop Conversations Segment with Jed– 7 Happy Marriage Habits

In the Author's Corner with Etienne show

Summary: Coffee Shop Conversations Segment Mondays 7:00 am Pacific, 8:00 am Mountain, 9:00 am Central, 10:00 am Eastern and Atlantic (during Daylight Saving Time). Welcome Jed Jurchenko and Our Coffee Shop Conversations Segment on Faith, Family, and Friendship On the Coffee Shop Conversations Segment, you'll find freshly brewed wisdom to help you mature your faith, lead your family, and grow your friendships so that you and your family can live joy-filled, Christ-honoring lives. Grab a cup of coffee, tea, or other favorite beverage, and join us every Monday morning! Today, discover the 7 marriage habits that happy couples use to keep their joy alive! According to Jed, “Sadly, there are far too many couples who live out what I like to sarcastically joke about. On the other hand, there also spouses–much like myself–who fall into the opposite trap of overworking. Yep, I have plenty of my own faults that I am trying to overcome too.” "Whether you’re a spouse who tends to work too hard, or check-out of life, here are seven happy marriage habits that you likely did before tying the knot that you will want to keep going after the wedding is over.” Let’s find out together what Jed has to say about how the 7 happy marriage habits will help us in our faith, family, and friendship. Visit Jed at: