Disqualified: Gideon, Part 2

Grace-Snellville - Teachings | gfc.tv show

Summary: We are smack in the middle of convention season during an election year, which means our nation’s political parties are feverishly working to gather as many Americans as possible to their side. Indeed, the rules of democracy teach us, in general, that what matters most is getting the most people together.<br> But in God’s Kingdom, it’s getting the right people that matters most. Gideon learned this the hard way when God told him to pare down his army from an impressive 32,000 to a rather paltry 300. In the end, however, what set these 300 apart made all the difference for a mighty victory. Sadly, when Gideon forgot this lesson, his influence crumbled.<br> So at the core of this story in Judges 6-8 is the essential truth about community that makes all the difference between mighty victory and crumbling influence.<br> Podcast<br> <br> Downloads<br> <br> Date: July 24, 2016 // Title: Gideon, Part 2<br> Scripture: Judges 6-8<br> ARRIVAL / SOCIAL TIME 15-20 minutes<br><br> Spend the first 15 minutes or so of your time together catching up and socializing with one another. Also find time to catch up together on how the assignments from last week turned out.<br> SERMON REVIEW 5-10 minutes<br><br> The rules of democracy teach us; in general, that what matters most is getting the most people together. However, in God’s Kingdom, it’s getting the right people that matters most. Gideon learned this the hard way when God told him to pare down his army from an impressive 32,000 to a rather paltry 300. In the end we learn what set these 300 apart made all the difference for a mighty victory. Sadly, when Gideon forgot this lesson, his influence crumbled. At the core of this story (Judges 6-8) is the essential truth about community that makes all the difference between mighty victory and crumbling influence.<br> THE MAIN THOUGHT Keep this in mind as you facilitate discussion.<br><br> When you pick your path, you pick your partners.<br> CHANGE<br> 5 questions to help us GROW or SEE IT<br><br> 1. What are four positive things from Gideon’s life that are worth imitating?<br><br> (Hint: two were from last week and two are from this week.)<br><br> 2. What are two things to remember about getting the right team?<br><br> 3. What are some negative things from Gideon’s life that you would want to avoid in your own life?<br><br> 4. When we read about the armor of God in Ephesians 6, what is important to remember? How can we possibly put on all that<br><br> armor? What is something we can remember that will help us with that?<br><br> 5. What does it mean to be in Christ? When we’re in a battle, how does it help us to remember that?<br> CHALLENGE<br><br> 3 exercises to help us GO or BE IT (choose at least 1)<br><br> UP (Our relationship with God)<br><br> We all face battles that make us afraid. The key is to keep walking with God, into the battle, and watch Him win the victory. Take time to listen to God and receive His divine guidance for a battle that you’re facing right now.<br> IN (Our relationships with each other)<br><br> Do you have the right team (people you do life with)? Remember that a team is gathered for a common purpose and by Providence. Discuss this together and make a plan for adjusting your team if you need to.<br> OUT (Our relationship with the world)<br><br> Did you choose the “OUT” challenge from July 10? If so, you walked around your neighborhood and dreamed about what God wanted to do in your neighborhood and how He could use your family to do it. Are you making plans for it? Spend some more time on this challenge now. If you haven’t taken this challenge yet, consider doing it today!<br> CLOSING PRAYER 5 minutes<br><br> Take a few minutes to gather any prayer requests and pray for each other to SEE IT and BE IT this week.<br>