BONUS: Life as Lady J

Life of the Law show

Summary: While North Carolina sorts out whether children who identify as transgendered should be able to use the bathroom of their choice, shots were fired inside a gay dance club in Orlando, Florida. Fifty innocent people were killed and dozens of others were seriously injured.<br><br><br>The <a href="">Federal Bureau of Investigation</a> reports lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender individuals are more likely to be targeted for hate crimes than people who are part of any other minority group.<br><br>The <a href="">Human Rights Campaign</a> reports more transgender people were killed in 2015 than during any other year on record.<br><br>And the National Coalition of Anti-Violence programs reports that black transgender women are the most at risk for attacks of extreme violence and murder.<br><br>At <em>Life of the Law</em>, we want to acknowledge the formidable challenges faced by LGBTQA individuals with this bonus episode, the Life as Lady J.<br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><strong>PRODUCTION NOTES<br></strong><br>This Bonus Episode of <em>Life of the Law</em> was produced by Nancy Mullane and Jonathan Hirsch with production assistance from Kirsten Jusewicz-Haidle. Music by David Jassy.  This production was funded by grants from the<a href=""> Open Society Foundation</a>, the<a href=""> Law and Society Association</a>, the Proteus Fund, the Ford Foundation, and the<a href=""> National Science Foundation</a>.<br><br>© Copyright 2016 <em>Life of the Law. </em>All rights reserved.<br><br>