What's on our #psychology radio show on Wednesday

Steve Rimmer show

Summary: Jul 13 6pm Workplace climate responsible for gender-based job stress Social scientists have long known that women working in numerically male-dominated occupations like physics and firefighting report experiencing workplace stress, but men who work in numerically female-dominated occupations like nursing and child care do not. But why? Is it something about women or something about the workplace? A study by an Indiana University sociologist suggests it's the latter. http://www.spreaker.com/user/4516111/workplace-climate-not-womens-nature-resp Jul 13 7pm Increase in snacking related to parental oversight In a new study examining how parenting contributes to snacking, researchers found that parents who have a hands-off approach to feeding children may unknowingly contribute to an increase in children's snacking. http://www.spreaker.com/user/4516111/study-finds-increase-in-snacking-related Jul 13 8pm Social influence can prompt healthier eating choices Researchers from the University of Birmingham have found that exposure to social-based messages promoting healthy eating can increase consumption of fruit and vegetables and reduce consumption of high-calorie snacks. http://www.spreaker.com/user/4516111/social-influence-can-prompt-healthier-ea