Coordinated Approach needed to tackle ear health

NITV Radio show

Summary: Up to 91% of Aborignal Children in remote commuties have deafness for more than 3 months of the year and 100% have ear infections under the age of three months.   The Deadly Ears program in QLD has been tackling the issue of he... ( Up to 91% of Aborignal Children in remote commuties have deafness for more than 3 months of the year and 100% have ear infections under the age of three months.   The Deadly Ears program in QLD has been tackling the issue of hearing loss in Aborignal and Torres Srait Islander Communties for ten years.   Chris Perry an Ear nose and throat surgeon is calling on Federal Goverment funding to ensure the Deadly Ears program is rolled out a national level.   He says that The Ear Surgeons are ready and willing to do the operations, but coordination is needed and the Governemt needs to step up and address the issue.  )