Black Agenda Radio - 6.20.16

Black Agenda Radio show

Summary: <br> <p>This is Black Agenda Radio, the radio magazine that brings you news, <br> commentary and analysis from a Black Left perspective. Your hosts are <br> Glen Ford and Nellie Bailey, here they are with a weekly hour of African<br> American political thought and action.</p><br> <p>– The People’s <br> Organization for Progress, POP, does not hesitate to demonstrate, <br> whether it’s marking the anniversary of the 1967 rebellion in Newark, <br> New Jersey, or protesting President Obama’s attempt to cut Social <br> Security. Recently, POP hit the streets to protest New York Gov. Andrew <br> Cuomo’s executive order that sets up a blacklist of companies that have <br> agreed to Boycott, Divest and Sanction Israel. Larry Hamm is chairman of<br> POP. He’s also a Bernie Sanders delegate to the upcoming Democratic <br> National Convention.</p><br> <p>- The City of Philadelphia is welcoming the <br> Democrats to town, but the welcome mat does not extend to protest <br> marchers. Cheri Honkala is a longtime poor people’s activist, based in <br> Philadelphia.</p><br> <p>- The Democratic Party’s presumptive presidential <br> nominee, Hillary Clinton, ran the Caribbean country of Haiti with an <br> iron fist when she was Secretary of State. Clinton helped to engineer <br> the rise to the presidency of Michel “Sweet Mickey” Martelly, who was <br> finally forced out of power by popular demand, this year. Nikolas <br> Barry-Shaw, a Voting Rights Associate with the Institute for Justice and<br> Democracy in Haiti, says Clinton’s record in Haiti is an embarrassment <br> to her campaign, which would prefer that Haiti not be in the news.</p><br> <p>-<br> Gunmen riddled the home of Haitian presidential candidate Dr. Maryse <br> Narcisse, who represents Fanmi Lavalas, the political party of former <br> President Jean Bertrand Aristide, who was overthrown by a U.S.-backed <br> coup in 2004. Aristides’ party has been banned from most elections since<br> then. We spoke with Pierre Labossier, of the Haiti Action Committee. He<br> says the U.S. State Department fought tooth and nail to try to force <br> the Haitian people to accept the results of last year’s rigged <br> elections.</p><br> <p><strong>- </strong>New federal rules would make it <br> harder for people to get payday loans at usurious interest rates. Matt <br> Stannard is Policy Director of Commonomics USA. He’d like to get rid of <br> payday loans altogether, and providing alternative financing to poor <br> people.</p><br> <p>Visit the <a href=""></a>, where you’ll find a new and provocative issue, each Wednesday.</p>