25 Years of Justice Clarence Thomas

Federalist Society Practice Groups Podcasts show

Summary: On July 1, 1991, President George H. W. Bush nominated Clarence Thomas for the Supreme Court of the United States. In anticipation of the 25th anniversary of the nomination, the Federalist Society hosted a panel of legal experts, including a number of Justice Thomas' former law clerks, to offer their personal remembrances and assessments of the Justice's contributions to the law and the Court. -- Featuring: Hon. C. Boyden Gray, Founding Partner, Boyden Gray & Associates; Hon. Gregory G. Katsas, Partner, Jones Day (Clerked 1991-1992); Carrie Severino, Chief Counsel and Policy Director, Judicial Crisis Network (Clerked 2007-2008); and Prof. John C. Yoo, Emanuel S. Heller Professor of Law, University of California Berkeley School of Law (Clerked 1994-1995).