Infinity Ward Answers Your Call Of Duty: Infinite Warfare Questions

The Game Informer Show show

Summary: Throughout the month, we've been rolling out exclusive features on Infinity Ward's upcoming Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare to go along with our recent cover story. To cap off the month, we pulled together dozens and dozens of the community's burning questions about the game and will be asking Infinity Ward's studio art director Brian Horton and design director Jacob Minkoff the best ones in this special edition of the podcast. Check out the podcast to learn more about the game's linearity (or lack there-of), comparisons to Wing Commander, and how the team reacts to online criticism. You can watch the video below, subscribe and listen to the audio on iTunes, or listen to this special edition on SoundCloud. (Please visit the site to view this media) Click on the banner below to enter our content-complete hub on Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare.