Uninstalling OneNote From Windows 10

Into Tomorrow Quickies show

Summary: Jack asked: “I recently installed OneNote on my laptop, thinking that it might be the program I want to use. It’s not, but guess what… I cannot find an uninstaller for that program. How do I get OneNote off my system?”<br>  <br>  <br> We’re guessing you’re using Windows 10. It used to be easier to uninstall OneNote, but under Windows 10, Microsoft really wants you to keep it.<br> To get rid of it you’ll need to open the Start menu, search for PowerShell, right click on the result and click on Run as administrator.<br> That’s where things get too complicated for radio, you’ll be better off coming to our website for the command you have to type to uninstall it, but in case you’re feeling brave, here it goes:<br> Get-AppxPackage *OneNote* | Remove-AppxPackage<br> And you’re done, Windows should boot OneNote from your computer. They just don’t make it as easy as they make removing other programs.<br> Microsoft will tell you that this is caused by OneNote being promoted from an optional app to being part of the Windows 10 operating system itself, and the result of this promotion is that you’re not uninstalling an app, you’re removing part of the operating system.<br> That doesn’t make it any less annoying to remove, but I guess we can understand the reasoning.<br>