How to Share Your Testimony

People of the Free Gift show

Summary: This is a special "Evangelism Principles" episode of the podcast.  Several of the pastors in the Big Sky Area of Montana collaborated on a "Beyond the Walls" Evangelism Training event in Billings. Several of the pastors spoke on "How to Share Your Testimony."  One of the most powerful weapons we have at our disposal when sharing our faith is our personal testimony of who we were before we came into relationship with Jesus, how we came into relationship with Jesus and how Jesus has changed our lives. It's important that we take the time to think through our story as well as be ready to share the very brief version, the little bit longer version, and the full blown version.  To access all of our archived messages via podcast or Youtube for FREE, go to  People of the Free Gift exists to ground believers in their identity in Christ and equip them to reach those caught in religion.  "Freely you have received, freely give." - Jesus