The Gospels: Reasons to Accept or Reject Jesus

People of the Free Gift show

Summary: Following the healing of the lame man at the Pool of Bethesda, Jesus had an interaction with the Pharisees. In this interaction, we see Jesus identify several witnesses to the validity of his claims to forgive sins and equality with God. It is interesting to note that the same reasons why we, as believers, came to believe in Jesus, are the same reasons why others give that they don't believe in Jesus. This should reinforce for us that evangelism is a completely supernatural event.  This message is part of a larger series called "The Gospels: Examining the God-Man." To access all of our messages via podcast or Youtube completely for FREE, go to  People of the Free Gift exists to ground believers in their identity in Christ and equip them to reach those caught in religion.  "Freely you have received. Freely give." - Jesus