Homeschooling Multiple Ages – HIRL Episode 108

Homeschooling IRL show

Summary: <br> How does a homeschooling parent possibly educate older kids while at the same time juggling preschoolers, toddlers, and babies? Is it even realistic to think we could do a good job while spinning so many homeschool plates?<br> On this episode of Homeschooling in Real Life, Fletch and Kendra talk about how they've managed to homeschool 8 kids, how to structure a day so that schooling actually gets done, and how mom can survive and thrive during the demanding years of homeschooling multiple ages.<br>  <br> EPISODE TIMELINE<br> :50 Fluff - LOST, Father's Day, Publishing, Summer Vacation<br> 7:25 Homeschooling Multiple Ages, Part 1<br> 18:16 - Homeschooling Multiple Ages, Part 2<br> 33:35 The show is over. Goodbye!<br> <br> <br> <br> SHOW NOTES:<br> <br> Recommended Resources:<br> <a rel="NOFOLLOW" href="">Three Essential Keys to Homeschooling Multiple Ages</a><br> <a rel="NOFOLLOW" href="">Preschoolers and Peace Website</a><br> <br> Betty the Surf Dog - <a rel="NOFOLLOW" href="">Twitter</a>, <a rel="NOFOLLOW" href="">Facebook</a>, <a rel="NOFOLLOW" href="">Instagram</a>, <a rel="NOFOLLOW" href="">Website<br> </a>Rasta The Chocolate Lab - <a rel="NOFOLLOW" href="">Twitter</a>, <a rel="NOFOLLOW" href="">Facebook</a>, <a rel="NOFOLLOW" href="">Instagram</a>, <a rel="NOFOLLOW" href="">Website</a><br> <a rel="NOFOLLOW" href="" target="_blank">Fletch Twitter</a><br> <a rel="NOFOLLOW" href="" target="_blank">Kendra Twitter</a><br> <br> Previous Episodes Mentioned:<br> All of them<br> <br> Music clips used on this episode:<a rel="NOFOLLOW" href=""><br> </a>None<br> <a rel="NOFOLLOW" href=""><br> </a><br> <br> <br> <br> SUBSCRIBE AND LEAVE AN iTUNES REVIEW:<br> <br> Allow the magic of the internet to deliver Homeschooling In Real Life to your tablet or smart phone. Let us show you how easy it is:<br> <br> * Follow this <a rel="NOFOLLOW" href="" target="_blank">link to our iTunes page</a>.<br> * IMPORTANT STEP: Under our big red HomeschoolingIRL logo, just click on View in iTunes<br> * The iTunes program will automatically launch and take you to our podcast page.<br> * FIRST - Click SUBSCRIBE. Voila! All or our podcasts will come directly to your computer and smart phone.<br> * NEXT - Click RATINGS AND REVIEW. Remember the best reviews are 5-stars (hint hint!).<br> * Thanks for being one of our listeners! HIRLers rock!<br> <br> WHAT IS THE BEST WAY TO LISTEN TO HomeschoolingIRL?<br> <br> * You can listen right on this page. There is an audio player below.<br> * You can listen on your iPod, Smartphone or tablet. Open the PODCAST app on your device, search podcasts for "HomeschoolingIRL" and click subscribe. Easy peasy lemon squeezy.<br> * Subscribe to the HomeschoolingIRL website and you will be notified when every new episode is released. <a rel="NOFOLLOW" href="" target="_blank">Follow this link and begin your FREE SUBSCRIPTION.</a><br> <br> <br> <br> <br> ADVERTISERS/SPONSORS:<br> <a rel="NOFOLLOW" href="" target="_blank">Please visit our coffee sponsor: Caroline’s Coffee for 10% off any order.</a><br> <a rel="NOFOLLOW" href=""><br> </a><a rel="NOFOLLOW" href=""></a><br> <br> <br> <br> <br> LISTEN HERE<br> <br>