Real Relationship leads to a Revolution

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Summary: Perhaps it’s not a coincidence that “dad joke” rhymes with “bad joke.” But as a new father myself, I’ve found that at least making the effort to laugh together is one of the best ways to draw a family together.<br> The book of Deuteronomy is also all about drawing family together. And though there are admittedly few jokes in the Mosaic law, Deuteronomy does provide profound insight into the way God teaches us to draw together as family. As we will see, whether your earthly family is traditional, blended, broken, distant, or non-existent, God’s way of drawing us together makes family available to all.<br> So what do you need to draw a family together?<br> A pencil and paper, obviously.<br> (Sorry… Now that I’m a dad myself, I couldn’t resist.)<br> This Sunday, Benton Cranford, our Student Pastor, will be teaching from Deuteronomy 29-30.<br> Podcast<br> <br> <br> Downloads<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> Date: June 19, 2016 // Title: Promised Land Living: Real Relationship Leads to a Revolution<br> Scripture: Deuteronomy 29-30<br> ARRIVAL / SOCIAL TIME 15-20 minutes<br><br> Spend the first 15 minutes or so of your time together catching up and socializing with one another. Also find time to catch up together on how the assignments from last week turned out.<br> SERMON REVIEW 5-10 minutes<br><br> This week we celebrated Father’s Day. We started off our morning with conversations and questions about our dads. What were some funny sayings that he had or has? What is something that you couldn’t stand that he did while you were growing up but now see the benefit? What is one word that you would use to describe him? For some this is a tough conversation. For others, it’s a great start to processing about your dad. Benton led us into a deeper conversation about God’s heart for his covenant with us. God’s invitation to covenant is an invitation to everyone. He engages each of us into relationship with him—a entering of himself into our heart that pierces our soul and circumcises our heart. He then invites us to walk with him as we explore obedience and experience his blessings.<br> THE MAIN THOUGHT Keep this in mind as you facilitate discussion.<br><br> Covenant is an invitation that is initiated and fulfilled by God. <br> SEE IT Questions :: 10-15 minutes<br> Picture (what is the story saying?): How do we tend to view a covenant relationship? Who does God invite into covenant? How is it different than we think? What does He want and pursue in us more than anything? How do beliefs affect behavior?<br> Mirror (where am I in the story?): Where do you see your relationship with God like a contract? What other relationships do you see the same way? Have you allowed God to enter into a deeper intimacy with your heart? What would it look like for you to allow Him in?<br> Window (How does the story change how I see the world around me?): How does this level of relationship and intimacy that God desires with you change the way you see Him? Who has God put into your path again and again that needs an invitation into covenant with God? What would it look like to have a conversation with that person?<br> BE IT – Practice<br> Soaking UP // Exercise 5 minutes<br><br> God can be seen in many different roles. Sometimes our imperfect earthly fathers have changed the way we view our perfect Heavenly Father. Spend some time thinking about God as your perfect Father who does not make empty promises. Thank him for the promises that you have seen him fulfill and for eyes to see the ones you have not.<br> Basking IN // Group Activity 15 minutes<br><br> What’s your story with God? Pair up, preferably with someone who doesn’t know your story, and spend time bragging on God and what He’s done for you in the past.<br> Reaching OUT // Life Application Assignment 5 minutes<br><br> Where are there broken relationships to which you could help brin...