Disqualified: Shamgar

Grace-Snellville - Teachings | gfc.tv show

Summary: Sometimes, the book of Judges makes me wince. The accounts of rotten human behavior make me wonder, “How did this make it into the Bible??” And, like a piece of rotting fruit, the stories keep getting worse and worse all the way up to to the book’s final verse: “Everyone did what was right in his own eyes” (21:25).<br> The problem here is too much independence–no one is listening to God!<br> Now, you may be wondering why we’d choose to read such a challenging book during our fun, family-style gatherings in July. The answer is that the darkness of rebellion causes the hope of God’s mercy and grace to appear brighter than ever. Against all human expectations, God continually brings revival through the most unexpected leaders. Most of these leaders, called “judges,” should have been disqualified from leadership for one reason or another and yet… God’s grace shines through.<br> This week, we’ll look at one of these judges whose story is incredibly short but incredibly important for us all.<br> Podcast<br> <br> <br> Downloads<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> Date: July 3, 2016 // Title: Disqualified: Shamgar<br> Scripture: Judges 1:1-2:23; 3:31<br> ARRIVAL / SOCIAL TIME 15-20 minutes<br><br> Spend the first 15 minutes or so of your time together catching up and socializing with one another. Also find time to catch up together on how the assignments from last week turned out.<br> SERMON REVIEW 5-10 minutes<br><br> This week we started our journey through the book of Judges—Family Camp Style. In this incredible book we will come across all kinds of unlikely heroes (many that could have felt disqualified), who God used to restore His people back to His intended purpose for their lives. While the people of Israel continue to spiral out of control into a life of chaos, God refused to give up on His people and raised up Judges to lead them. Unfortunately, as the book moves forward these judges drift from culture makers to culture mirrors—gradually reflecting the declining nature of Israel. Yet, in God’s grace, several of these unlikely heroes also demonstrate that God can use even the most improbable of people to do His extraordinary work in the world. This week Shamgar shows us just how God can use a person of unlikely name and heritage to lead His people. As Shamgar used what God placed in his hand, this common man demonstrates just how God can use us to do the extraordinary and uncommon with our lives.<br> THE MAIN THOUGHT Keep this in mind as you facilitate discussion.<br><br> Be a culture maker—not a culture mirror.<br> CHANGE<br> 5 questions to help us GROW or SEE IT<br><br> 1. What or who did Jon say was the sound effect, spiral and Savior of Judges?<br><br> *make the sound effect and talk through the spiral of Judges (reject God→rotten life→repent→restore→REST) and how Judges points to God as the Savior.<br><br> 2. What is the difference between being a culture mirror and a culture maker?<br><br> *discuss together how leaders can be either people who reflect our culture like a mirror or people who try to shift our culture like a maker.<br><br> 3. Why is Shamgar an unlikely hero (culture maker) to bring God’s people back to God?<br><br> *discuss Shamgar’s name and heritage (He is a Canaanite and he is named after a Canaanite goddess of war).<br><br> 4. How does Shamgar use what he found in his hand to lead and deliver Israel?<br><br> *discuss how Shamgar uses an oxgoad—which was an ordinary tool<br><br> 5. How can you use what God has put in your hand to be a leader who is a culture maker?<br><br> *discuss the opportunity each of us has to live an extraordinary life in all our ordinary places.<br> CHALLENGE<br><br> 3 exercises to help us GO or BE IT (choose at least 1)<br><br> UP (Our relationship with God): Hero Stories<br><br> Take some time for each person of your family to tell a few stories of ordi...