Ozone holes and PPM- The Climate Minute Podcast

The Climate Minute show

Summary: A recent report shows that the famed ‘hole in the ozone’ is showing slow signs of healing. This is good news in its own right, but is more heartening since the improvements are entirely due to an international treaty- the Montreal Protocol. The Montreal Protocol was a market based, ‘cap and trade’ style system to limit the emission of CFC gases. The parallels to modern day efforts to limit carbon pollution through international agreements such as the Paris Agreement are obvious.  The slow recovery of the ozone layer should give hope to Climate Hawks that success is possible Check out live  links at our blog, http://www.massclimateaction.net/blog. Because we recognize the necessity of personal accountability for our actions, because we accept responsibility for building a durable future and because we believe it is our patriotic duty as citizens to speak out, we must insist that the United States put a price on carbon. Thanks for listening. …Ted McIntyre Download Enhanced Podcast